First I thought there has to be more and I must stay awake to finish it
I realized that was the actual ending of the book
I was like WTF
Then I thought maybe it was a joke... but it wasn't really funny
So of course I was like
This was followed by a period of anger and frustration
And I eventually circled back to the initial confusion
In conclusion, if you are planning on reading this...
I love Lauren Oliver and Pandemonium was awesome but Requiem was nowhere close to the same level. It was probably the least conclusive ending in the history of endings. I still don't feel satisfied about the story and the characters. It was definitely the worst ending to a series I have EVER read and by a long shot. I really enjoyed the first two books, I really did but this was just something else. I mean, guys, I love cliff hanger endings and I get that this was a cliff hanger ending which I honestly wouldn't mind if it was a good one but this, to me, is the bad kind of cliff hanger. There is just too much left unresolved and too much that is left open ended and just UGH!
Good cliff hanger ending =
Bad cliff hanger ending =
I still love Lauren Oliver but I'm just so unbelievably frustrated in a way I have never been before due to a book.
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